Gods of the Depths - Nix and Rekin
Posted by Sereia Guardiã on 1st Nov 2022
There are stories of the Guardians that only the great-great-great grandparents of our mermaids have ever heard of. They were recorded in very old scrolls and restricted access to highly skilled Abyssal mermaids, since at the slightest carelessness those sheets of seaweed can turn to dust...
Even Nerissa, our eternal guide through the Guardian legends, doubted the existence of these beings, for the great chaos caused by them seems unbelievable to be true.
They act as a balance, chaos must exist for renewal, progress, change. Their actions have positive consequences, in that Machiavellian style, the ends justify the means... Their means are turbulent to say the least…
You must be asking yourself, who are they anyway? Relax, we'll get to that. We need to deal with the historical perspective first.
The Chaos Twins, as they are known, have the power to take away the immortality of the Gods, that is, if you don't act according to the laws of nature, chaos will act, and no one, absolutely no one, is immune to chaos. They work together, maintaining a balance between light and shadow, destruction and renewal.
Their physical form comes at a time of dire need - the world cries out for help. Navima had already warned about overfishing, killing turtles, dolphins, and whales in their nets, and 100 to 150 million sharks are killed annually in all the oceans - according to FAO statistics - not to restrict ourselves to the statistics of a pirate mermaid of dubious character.
Returning to the Gods, we don't have complete knowledge about their powers - they are not commonly worshiped in our clans - we only know a few aspects about them and why they are materializing on this plane:
The killing of the great shoals has driven Rekin mad, and he can no longer stand still; he is unstable, aggressive, and wants everything yesterday. The time has come for the fury of the seas to be known and justice to be done. Otherwise, there will be no life at sea to tell the story.
His sister Nix, cast a spell into the sea that made it possible for her to materialize on the Guardian plane, and this vibration was felt by the abyssals, terrifying them of the coming changes. We don't know yet what will happen, but we will feel these transformations deeply.
Rekin is a shapeshifter god, able to transform into different animals and command them as an army, with his trident hypnotizing everyone at his command and will. He senses the electromagnetic fields of the Earth to map his fish migrations, and can control where they will be. A God originated from chaos, his will is driven by destruction. His strength is attack, and his powers are brute.
NIX is the Goddess of the night, she is the light that originates from chaos, the tamer of Men and Gods, her strength comes from her spells, from the light of her own magic. She acts as regulator of birth and death, as healer and sorceress, and can grant or withdraw powers - from any God or Siren.
Light and darkness must go together, separation between the brothers causes extreme destruction - balance must remain.