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Persea - Explorer

Persea - Explorer

Posted by Persea on 3rd Nov 2022

Merpeople from all over the world! Greetings to you!

I am Persea the first of my kind to be introduced to you, both as a Merman and as a freshwater dweller, and I would like to say that it is a pleasure to be the pioneer in everything I do!

It is obvious that I am from the Explorer clan, right folks?! I often chat for hours with Minke and the other mermaids to update them on our actions in the riverine areas here.

Do you know the boto (Brazilian legend)? My man! Friendly, but you have to be careful not to get too carried away! I love a party but what really fascinates me are the herbs! There are so many plants with amazing healing properties that humans explore!


Even ingredients that we can implement in our spells, but this part I let Nerissa send someone to look for me because I won't go to to her... ihhhhh... salty dark water with the risk of meeting the Kraken... I'm out!

I come from the forests, I wander all over Brazil, I know every river, stream, reservoir, and marsh. All the populations around the waters, their customs and secrets.

If you get lost in the dense forest, look me up, I know all the paths.

Call me for a good time too! I love to dance a little forró together!