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canon-boss-maldives-8z0a0529.jpgShello! My name is Morganna, I am the creator of the Sereia Guardiã!

My mermaid journey started a long time ago, as a child, where I told everyone that I was a mermaid... obviously no one believed it.

Time passed, I grew up, graduated in business and took several diving courses. I’ve always dreamed about uniting my passion for the water with my work.

It took many months of development and tests of our first tail before we launched the Sereia Guardiã brand in 2021. Since then, we never stopped creating new products and tails!

Sereia Guardiã was born to make possible to all people who dream of being mermaids/mermen that they can, that their dreams must be fulfilled and that we must always feel free. We follow a motto:


Dreams &


Every piece, every action of our company is designed to bring a little piece of each of these things to you, it's what I believe most in life and I chose to make that my purpose for the world.

We are a Brazilian women-owned company, we work with business partners who prioritize the environment and we repurpose our fabric scraps for less environmental impact.

We believe so much in magic and creativity that for us every mermaid has different personalities and we love that.  We always wanted a free place to dream, without prejudice, with magic, emotion and freedom respecting nature - that's how our clans came about!


We are many and we don't follow a pattern, we are explorers, tropical, abyssal, storms - mainly, we are whoever we want to be. You can find your clan here.


Free, beautiful, charming, intelligent, empowered - these are the Guardian Mermaids. Thank you all for creating magic with us and supporting our work.